Chee Hong of the YEAR
Happy New Year to all...
To kick-start the new year, let's start with an LP Story...
I thought LGY is the King of CheeHong (Please refer to this story), boy, am i the chinese saying goes... '一鸟还有一鸟长' (1 cock is longer than the other. or something to the same effect lah).
anyway, so who is this New Chee Hong fellow? Its my brother-in-law! The one who look like Andy Lau in the movie with Sammi Cheng 《瘦身男女 - aka Love on a Diet》. (The one before Andy Lau went on a diet. See below.)
So what's the story? Its the new year. we just partied till 5am in the morning. I have 2 chiobus who came all the way from KL/Penang to celebrate the new year with me. (yes. with ME). So all of us went out to party together.. until 5am in the morning.
After I drop the gals back at their hotel, we found out that one of the chiobus lost her camera. so we make a few calls and found out that the camera is with mr CheeHong's colleague.
[Jfk Wife aka Garfield aka CheeHong's Sister]: 'So we collect the camera from your colleague now?'
[CheeHong]: 'No need lah. tomorrow morning I go collect from her and meet up with you guys (Mandy) lor...'
[Garfield]: 'Are you sure or not? Now is already close to 6am. we are meeting at 12. We go over now is more convenient'
[CheeHong]: 'Aiyah... no problem wan lah... small case. (Aiyah, sis, stop spoiling my chance can or not?!)'
Why is he so eager to get the camera? i think becoz the camera contains this photo and he wants to keep it for himself...
Anyway, nothing wrong right? What is so cheehong about someone helping to collect something for a friend? Well. There is nothing except that you consider the following points:
1) Its 6am by the time he go to sleep. And he need to wake up by 10.30am in the morning to collect the camera from his colleague. Whats the big deal? 4.5 hours should be alrite for a normal person. BUT, it is super duper difficult to wake this crap up in the morning if he sleep that late. Even if he sleep at 2am, and u kick and slap and stomp on him at 1pm the following day, he will still keep snoring away.
2) The strategic location of where they are. Refer to this diagram below.

So what is the big deal rite? i mean i usually do that too.. BUT, the thing is, he feels that fetching his sister from Bedok to Tampines is very far and troublesome!
Ladies and Geeeeeentlemen... Please read the King of Chee Hong and vote who should be the CheeHong of the Year.
Reply with the comment to vote.
Alternatively u can do the following:
Call 1900-Jervoise-is-Cheehong to vote for this guy.
Call 1900-LGY-is-Cheehong to vote for the other guy.