LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Vomit Blood Time

[Thanks to the Keepers of Email Junks (KoEJ), we have this story here...]

Dear all,
Today, I'm going to share with you all, 1 of the most interesting Yahoo conference we have during office hours.... Enjoy.

Starting Chatters: Siew Siew, Duncan, Shawn
Chatters that joined later: Somu, Stephen (KL), Mazli
Start Date/Time: 11 Oct 2004/ About 4pm.
...........(Start of conference, quite boring stuff)
Siew Siew: no mood to work
...........(Continue of conference)
Shawn: Wait wait wait.. I invite Somu to get the latest updates in GIT.
........... (Somu joined)
Somu: Hi all ...
Shawn: Somu, can do me a favour or not?
Somu: Can..
Shawn: Help me go and photocopy Starhub's sign-in book.
Shawn: I want to go and show Chew.
.............(After some laughter and gossip)
Somu: ok guyz will catch u in sometime ...calling me ...
.............(Conference went on, Somu left)
Shawn: Wanna hear KL gossips or not?
Duncan: yeah yeah :))
Siew Siew: okok interesting :
.............(Invited Stephen from KL)
Stephen (KL): Hi all
Shawn: Hello!!!
Duncan: harlow :))
Siew Siew: halo
Shawn: Stephen, TBT (Tay Boon Teck) have how many gf already?
Shawn: How's things in KL?
Siew Siew: interesting things :> he mean
Shawn: Yeah..... Like things like TBT looping back with Vincent.
Duncan: He wont tell you wan...very tight-lip :-$
Stephen (KL): TBT...
Stephen (KL): Umm...lost count liao
Shawn: Really? Lost count? He have many gf already?
Stephen (KL): gf at least 3 or 4 in KL kua
Siew Siew: zun bo
Stephen (KL): jun
Shawn: Wa lau!!!! How tall are they?
Duncan: must be zun wan leh...the three of us gona broadcast to everybody wan :))
Duncan: next time we see stephen, he'll have a black eye....
Stephen (KL): u sure or not?
Shawn: Ya lor. He press TBT's head with one hand and TBT cannot reach him with his punches already. Why scare?
.................... (Gossip abt TBT continues, with lots of details I can't reveal here)
Siew Siew: GN (Guniang [Mazli]) is back
Mazli: ah..what happened?
Shawn: Wa lau... You've just missed the most interesting chit chatting of all time.
....................(A lot of boring stuff exchanged)
Mazli: oi...just now what u say interesting?
Shawn: Told you already mah... We're toking about TBT's fling in KL.
...................(Another 20mins of conference)
Mazli: wait a minute..TBT fling in KL?!
...................(Another 10mins of conference)
Mazli: ooi....just now what's so interesting..i asked like 10 times already..
Duncan: CB x-( and we told you 11 times already....
Siew Siew: :))
Shawn: #-o Buay Ta Han...
Mazli: yeah..but u not answering the question...I askes what's SO INTERESTING. I didn't ask what's the interesting topic.. read the question carefully..
Duncan: wait...i send you the entire conversation...
Siew Siew: wah..bg (Bah Geh [Shawn]) can lun ar
Siew Siew: he saying ur english buay there leh
Mazli: yeah lor...english buay there..
Shawn: #-o Never mind.... S2. Now I know how you feel after you talked to your boss just now.
Siew Siew: yeah...sian
Duncan: :)) i can understand oso...
Mazli: which part :-/
Duncan: what part?
Mazli: yeah lor..
Duncan: i'm asking you...*vomit blood*...
Mazli: I dun understand mah..so asked again lor..
Mazli: keep givin me incorrect reply..
Shawn: X-( S2. Now I know how you feel when you talked to that idiot just now.
Siew Siew: :))
Shawn: He asked "which part?" leh!!!!
Shawn: #-o Ya... Really vomit blood.
Mazli: it's just like telling u that u r wrong..but never giving>reason or the correct way to do it...:>
Duncan: :-? shawn, me and joey (Siew Siew) all cannot be teachers....
Siew Siew: :))
Duncan: sooner or later need blood tranfusion....
Siew Siew: ya lah
Shawn: No.. No.. No... We can be teachers. But we must not select someone like GN to be our student.
Shawn: GN, you can use this same tatic to Siew Yan... She sure give up whatever GIT still owes her one.
Mazli: what tactic?
Siew Siew: :))
Mazli: :-/
Mazli: catch no balls leh..
Shawn: #-o Wah... I give up lah...
Mazli: :-/
Shawn: You don't need to do anything Mazli.. You have it all to defeat Siew Yan.
Shawn: Just talk normally.
Duncan: =))
Shawn: She'll give up one... Just remember that don't ask her why she give up.
Siew Siew: :))
...................(The conference continued for another 10 mins and ended)

We ended the conference early so that we our blood lost is kept to a mimimal.


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