LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Car Keys

Author: LP2 aka EK

[ Act 1 Scene 1 - Thurs (LP2 cosy home) ]

LP2 : Harlow..
LPK : duncan ah, i'm back already.
LP2 : Huh? But you not suppose to be back till fri mah....come back becoz got earthquake huh?
LPK : No lah, i tot my arrival date is fri..........

[Act 1 Scene 2 - Thurs (Airport) ]

LPK's wife : duncan ah, heng you come down fetch us ah.
LP2 : why leh?
LPK's wife : LPK forgot to bring the house keys to japan....he left it in his car.......and his car keys are with you........

[ Act 1 Scene 3 - Thurs (CISCO carpark) ]

LPK : siao liao! The keys also not inside the car...this time jiak luck liao.......duncan, got to go your house tonite.....
LPK's wife : mayb inside our bag leh....try search....

LPK dig into his travel bag.

LPK : eh, how come the keys are here huh??

.......just when i tot i've finally caught up with the king.......he gallop furthur and furthur away..........heehaaaa................


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