LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Monday, July 18, 2005

The Legends

After I put the Legends on the left, people started to ask me what some of the legends means... Let me pick some for a FAQ here:

SFX = Siao Fei Xiang 小飞像.. We gave William this nick after we noticed the resemblance with the Sharity Elephant. HK was the one that gave him this name.

HK? = Horny King.. Don't need to explain more.

GN = Gu Niang... Its a Hokkien for girly...

EK = Eh Kia.. Its a Hokkien for shortie...

BPM = Bullet Proof Monk.. Why give him this nick? Well.. You'll know if you know him personally.. Basically, he doesn't touch girl. And? He got nice hair-style...

XP = Xiao Pang.. 小胖....

BBS = Big Backside.. You'll also have to know her personally to know why we give her this nick.

DND = Do Not Disturb. Everyone knows why...

OL = Old lady?! KNN.. Don't be so cruel can or not? Its Office Lady... Those that every men out there will fantacy for...

Now come the last one... BPMG = Bullet Proof Monk's Girlfriend... Why? Ok.. Listen to the story below.....

Me and BPM joined GIT on 20th Feb 2001 together. We were both excited to join this dynamic company. We got settled down in the first week and were enjoying the company of fabulous colleagues...

BPMG: "Err... You guys coming back this Sat morning?" BMPG was talking to me and BPM.. As a new bird in this company, naturally, we come back every Sat even though its alternate Sat off.

BPM: "Ya... Why?"

BPMG: "Ohh.. I'm packing the store room this Sat morning and thought I might need some muscles"

BG: *Thinking to himself* "Yeah.. You've got the right guys... I'm fit while BPM is fat. Right combination..."

BPMG: "Ok then. See you guys on Sat morning..."

[Act 118, scene 6, a saturday morning in GIT store room]

After some packing and moving around some items in the store room, frankly speaking.. After packing, its still about the same.....

[BPMG]: "Hey guys, do you all play pool?"

[BG]: *thinking to himself* "Shit.. This ger is trying to date us out. KNN. I won't fall for the trap."

[BG]: "Nope." I answered straight without any emotion...

[BG]: *thinking to himself again* "Shit.. BPM better not fall for this trap.. Its so obvious that the next question is that she wanna learn and would like us to teach her."

Before BG could warn BPM....

[BPM]: "Ya.. Occasionally..."

[BPMG]: *Face full of horniess... Sorry.. sorry.. happiness...* "Is it? I'm trying to learn leh. When are you free? We can go to a pub and you can teach me leh..."

BG just kept quiet.... Trying to move item A from position 1 to position 2 and back to position 1 again. Now, he really feels that the room is a little bit cramp for 3 persons in it..... He moved with caution not wanting to touch BPMG's bum by accident that send the wrong message across... He quickly make his way out from that cramp room.....

[BG]: "I need a drink.. Anything for you guys?"

[BPM] & [BPMG]: "Nope. Thanks..."

[BPM]: "Ok lor.. Just let me know lor.." BG could hear BPM answering BPMG while he was walking out......

I don't know if they really went out for Pool session or not. I didn't ask BPM of the outcome.. But BPM sure gets a lot of priorities in every administration work after that day.. And that's why, I nick Wendy -- BPMG...


At July 19, 2005 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wrong number lah... joseph should be rou rou leh...

At July 19, 2005 9:59 AM, Blogger bgshawn said...

Hahahaha.. .Okie.. Okie.. RR = Joseph..

At July 22, 2005 9:26 AM, Blogger Duncan said...

we should invite the CCUPs into this blog...muahaahaa....


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