LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Monday, July 18, 2005

Dinner Time

Hi all.... Since I joined GIT, I've learnt that dinner time, can be used for different purpose..... To pissed people off....

Below is how I learnt the lesson..... Before you start, you should by now know who is BB, who is GN, who is S2 and etc. If you don't know, please feel free to leave comments to find out.

[GN]: *yahoo S2...* "Wanna have dinner together tonite or not?"

[S2]: "Ok lor.. But who going?"

[GN]: "Friends lor..."

*S2 stopped replying.......*

GN got boring.... So he started to jio more people for the dinner... He knows that S2 don't know what "Friends lor" meant and will sure screw him hard later on one.. Sigh.. Sometime he also resign to his fate....

"To be the only genius in this world, its lonely..." GN thought to himself....

[GN]: *yahoo to BB* "Ooi.. Wanna have dinner tonight or not?"

[BB]: "With who?"

[GN]: "S2 and me lor..." *He remembered his last encounter and is now more careful in not to show that he is genius...*

[BB]: "Ok lor.. So what time shall we meet?"

[GN]: "Dinner time.."

[BB]: *Getting a bit pissed off..* "My dinner time is 7pm, your dinner time is 8pm... So what time meet?"

[GN]: "Dinner time lor..."

BB stopped replying.... GN sensed that BB didn't understand his "Dinner Time" again... He felt lonely again.. "What to do? I'm born Genius...." LP2 thought to himself...

Later in the nite, BB, GN, S2, Sharon, Shenon, Lizard all meet for dinner.. Its a dinner date that no one is late... Because, everyone came exactly at their dinner time..


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