LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Monday, July 18, 2005

Umbrella story

This is one story that i won't be able to forget...

It was in year 2002. Just joined GIT. First thought of this company was "mmm...not bad hor...this company people quite friendly...should be able to get along quite well". This was when i met people like BPM, Sotong, Edm, etc.

Life should be quite good, i thought to myself.....

[ Act 1, Scene 1 - Paya Lebar MRT ]
That morning was raining cats and dogs.

EK (Thinking to himself) : Siao liao lah. Rain so big. Cannot get across to CISCO building. How how?

He started pacing up and down the MRT entrance. As a new guy, naturally, he be scared to be late. Might even get fined $5 for 15mins. That time, he just got into the new job after being 4months out of work, so money was tight.

EK (Thinking to himself) : Bo bian already. Dash across lah. Better to be wet then late.

Just before making a run towards the CISCO building, EK heard a voice from behind.

S2 : Wei...what you doing here?

EK couldn't believe his luck. Just when all is lost and he is resigned to be soak in rain, S2 came along. He didn't know S2 very well but based on the LPK's account, S2 seems to be a very friendly and easy going. After all, LPK and S2 has worked together in India for 2months without quarrelling with each other. That in itself is quite a feat.

EK (with eyes beaming with hope) : Waiting for the rain to stop loh..

At the back of his mind, EK was hoping and praying that S2 has an umbrella to ferry both of them across. He pray and pray.....

S2 : i see...

She started fishing for something in her bag.

EK (Thinking to himself) : Aaa...my prayers has been answered, she has an umbrella.

S2 finally got her umbrella, opened up, gave EK a 25cents look...

S2 : 。。。你慢慢等咯。。

EK heart sank....


At July 18, 2005 2:43 PM, Blogger bgshawn said...

Hahahha.aa..... $5 for 15mins... Another story.....


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