LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Hotel Keys 2

Almost forgot that there is another KL Story... Not sure which comes 1st, too long ago liaoz...

So there we were, few of us (Jfk, Dunken Master, GN & dunno which 闲杂人等) still staying at the same service apartment (Crown Regency).
Every nite after a hard day's work at between 11pm - 2am, when we drive back to our service apartment, we will drive pass the Beach Club area which is super happening... got lots of Chio Buzzzz wearing almost next to nothing....
So after 1 fine day, we decided to go out and cheong.... but the problem is, stoopid GN do not want to join us... He wanted to PCC after seeing so many gals wearing g-string in transparent mini-skirt and braless tops...
Since we only have 1 set of keys, so we intend to send him back to hotel 1st before coming out again.
So we go out and cheong lor.. forgot where we go lah.. Atmosphere or some KTV i also forgot liaoz lah.. haha... so after all Pierre become drunk (again), then we decided to come back before he start to make a nuisance of himself....

[taking the lift up the apartment]

[walking down the corridor leading to our room]

[slotting the key into the keyhole and turning it]

[pushing the door in...]

"WTF?! why is the door LATCHED from the INSIDE?!"


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