LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Sunday, July 17, 2005

LP Story arising from LP Stories Blog

This afternoon, while I was out shopping.... i received an SMS from Big Bread aka Toa Loh Di aka Dorothy aka Siao Char Boh (too many liaoz lah.. roughly there lah)..
So here are the SMS exchanges.... (lucky i havent delete the messages... hahaha)

[BB]: Your Blog site only git ppl cc read? I want to give my comments too!

[Jfk]: Give ur comments lor. Ha ha. Which blog u refering to? LPstories ah?


[Jfk]: U wanna put comments or upload stories?

[BB]:If i put Comments who get to see it? I actually commented..

[Jfk]: Everyone oso can see lah. Haha. U comment which story? Dun forget to check out the other website. Jfk's blog.

[BB]: U know i very blur one.. Dont know how to use all these.. Wat is link?

[Jfk]: Arghhhh! Link from site to site lah. Look at the left column, got link to mine and sfx blog.

[BB]: I was suprise stephen wrote about chew dinner thing.. He Abit carried away to write this kind of thing. U should write the mazli dinner time thing as well. Hee

[Jfk]: Haha. Mazli dinner time story u put lah. Ask bahgeh to give u rights to upload. Stephen where got write abt chew? William upload wan...

[BB]: Is it.. Put master of chambers leh.. Aiyo.. Dont blog about me so blur ah

[Jfk]: Aiyoh. Think u mix up the name liaoz lah. The originator actually comes at the end of the story lah. LAME siah... Must upload this conversation liaoz. Muahaha!


*Note: Please note that BB does not stands for Big Breast ah... in fact, its the opposite... hahaha


At July 17, 2005 11:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i mean what is your link.. not what is link : (

they all must be thinking i am an idiot.. : (

At July 17, 2005 11:36 PM, Blogger bgshawn said...

Ooi.. Why make fun of Duncan's Dorothy? KNN....

But hor.... BB, JFK meant that the link to his JFK's blog can be found in LP Stories Blog... Its on the left... Sad to say. Sigh.. Don't know what to say...

At July 18, 2005 8:10 AM, Blogger Master of Gas Chamber said...

First nobody thought I could blog and now I am assoicated to story I did not write.....funny!

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