LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

SW surf porn site

SW was the eldest employee in GIT Singapore. He is always serious with his work. He worked every minute while he was in the office. Although he always got the S2 treatment when he was working with S2, he never gave up. He always go to S2 and irritate her hoping that one day, she'll get used to it and stop giving him the S2 treatment.....

One day, while working late in GIT with his team of Engineers (S2, BG and a few others)......

[In GIT office... at about 8pm when everyone is rushing to finish work for the day and go home]

BG got a prompt on his laptop virus scanner indicating that some machine is trying to put a file that contain virus to his laptop's shared drive....

[BG]: "Ooi!! Steven, you ganna virus ah?!"

[S2]: "Ya lor.. Ya lor... Someone trying to put some virus file into my laptop...."

[BG]: "From Steven's machine is it?"

[S2]: "Ya lor.. Ya lor....."

[SW]: "No leh.. No leh.. Not mine... How you all know har?"

[BG]: "Of course we all know lah... The file stated that its from your machine..."

[SW]: "Cannot be leh.. I didn't get the prompt."

[S2]: "Wa lau!! If you can get that prompt, you wouldn't have got the virus in the first place already lah!!!"

[BG]: "Come.. Come.. Let me look at your laptop..."

BG walked over to SW cubicle and take a look at his laptop... He couldn't find the culprit of the virus.. He opened up the control panel, navigate into some screens that SW has never see before trying to confuse SW so that he won't appear lame mah.. Wa lau, an Engineer couldn't find out the cause of the virus.. A bit embrrassed....

[BG]: "Ohhhh..... Ooi.. You've been surfing porno web site is it?!" BG said trying to find excuses for a way out....

[SW]: "Har?! No leh.. No leh.. Not in the office leh... How can it be? Shouldn't affect you all..."

[BG]: "Hahahhaa... So you actually surf porno site ah?!?!?! Hahahaha... I anyhow say one..."

S2 and GN and Edm was already rolling on the floor laughing with tears bursting out already....

[SW]: "No lah.. No lah.. I was thinking.. Sometime at home, I might get the virus and ....."

[BG]: "Hahahaha... Ya lah.. Ya lah.. Don't need to explain lah.. I understand.... Hahahhaa..."

Fyi, SW scan his laptop and update his virus scan everyday since that day......


At July 19, 2005 3:06 PM, Blogger s2 said...

1stly, i give everybody the s2 treatment, not only to SW.
2ndly, i wasnt so fierce to him on the virus thingy
3rdly, it's PORN not PRON lah. lame.

At July 19, 2005 3:32 PM, Blogger bgshawn said...

Hahahaa.... Spelling mistake corrected...


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