LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Wind, Water Take Turns to Turn

"You should have use another machine on the network to ping the IP address you want to use first what. How can you make this kind of mistake?" LP1 was smiling to himself thinking of these words that CKS reprimanded him. CKS was his immediate superior then. He was a serious manager who will punish everyone who makes mistake. With his tall and big-frame body standing at 1.8m high, 0.9m wide, he would strike fear into your heart with every move he made. LP1 on the other hand, was at his mercy with his small-built body and a face full of pimples. These words are the exact words that CKS reprimanded him two years ago when he made a very silly mistake. He conflicted one of the customer's server's IP address with his notebook. Although LP1 hated the "silly mistake" or "stupid question" phase, he could not deny that it was a stupid thing to do. It had caused the server to crash for few minutes. The reason why he was not paying a fine although CKS likes to impose monetary fine on his engineers was that the problem did not blew big enough. LP1 was lucky enough. Otherwise, this would have cost him at least a hundred dollars considering the fact that fifteen minutes of late for work will consitute to five dollars fine.

LP1 tossed around in his bed. Sending short messages to his friends while laughing and thinking of those words that CKS had said to him two years ago. He could not sleep at all. He was getting too excited about the whole incident that happened this morning.

"I should go for a facial tomorrow afternoon to celebrate this." LP1 thought to himself. He had been going to this facial treatment regularly to try to get rid of those pimples on his face.

"78, 79, 80… errr…… This one not counted. 80, 81…" LP1 counting away on those cute mountains he had on his face looking into his Hello Kitty mirror. He heard a short message alert tone from his mobile phone. He picked it up and read the message.

"Hahaha….. Tell leh… Tell leh… Who is it?" It was from S2, his best friend. S2 was his best friend and best buddy. LP1 would tell everything to S2 and they had no secrets with each other. So naturally, LP1 would inform S2 first about this excited incident. Although S2 has a small body frame, she is a "fiery little chilly" with her golden color hair and spikes that you wouldn't want to hurt your hands with. Her voice is crisp and sharp could be felt even though it was just a short message on the mobile phone.

"Its CKS. Hahahhaa…… Damn it. I've been waiting for this day to come!!!" LP1 replied S2. The grin on his face had already touched his ears while he was typing this message into his mobile phone. He threw his mobile phone onto his bed and reach out to his computer to log on to Yahoo Messenger Service hopping to reach a wider crowd to inform them about this incident. He shifted his legs apart to adjust his "brother" and place it back to its original position. His "brother" had shifted aside while he was making this big movement to get to his computer.

"KNN…. Should have wear an underwear." LP1 thought to himself. It is really amazing that he even swear vulgar language while he was thinking aloud to himself.

"How can this happen to me? Sigh…. LP1 must be laughing his hearts out by now." CKS was in very deep thought back in his bed.

"Tomorrow I'm going to meet them in the Chalet. How am I going to face them?" CKS mumbled. Sometime, it is really very difficult to differentiate if CKS was mumbling to himself or speaking normally. It would take five years of study to learn to differentiate that. CKS was also tossing around in his bed. But his case is a different one from LP1. He was worried instead of excited. He kept looking at his wife who was sleeping beside him. She was already so sound asleep. He rolled over to hug her, pressing his "hard rod" against her backside. No one really knows why CKS could experience a hardon while worrying about the incident. No one really knows. CKS's wife immediately pushed him aside.

"Don't disturb me. Go to sleep or get out of here. Stop thinking about the incident lah. Go play with your Di Di if you really cannot sleep." CKS wife spoke with an angry but sleepy tone. CKS realized now that it was impossible to get her to have sex and had no choice but to roll over and to continue his deep thoughts.

"Halo! KNN. What time already? Now then come?! You lost your way again har?!" JFK shouting at LGY. LGY is late again as usual. The worst thing was that he had this "don't care" attitude showing on his face. JFK's wife, Garfield was the opposite. She was delighted when she saw LGY's wife, Pinky. Finally there is someone to chitchat with her. Garfield immediately puts her potatoes chips away and welcomes Pinky with a big smile, although still sitting on the crouch in front of the television set.

"No lah… Pinky lor… Needs to pick her up and it was jam all the way from that stupid Jalan Bukit Merah to here. Took a lot of detour but the whole of Singapore is jam." LGY explained. As usual, it will never be his fault for anything that happened. But nonetheless, everybody finally arrived at this Chalet that Sharon organized to cheer everyone up.

"Ooi. Ooi… LP1 got tell you or not? Its CKS leh." LGY gossiped to JFK.

"Got. Got. Got.. Hahahaa……. This news even made my Garfield jump out from her crouch laughing when I told her about it." JFK replied with an excited tone.

"See lah!!!! See lah!!!! You should have use another machine on the network to ping the IP address you want to use first what. How can you make this kind of mistake?!! Aiyo, why like that? I don't care ah.. GIT is going to be responsible for this. I'm going to report to my boss and let him see what he wants to do with GIT ah. I've told you all already mah……." LP1 interrupted imitating TMM. TMM was nagging non-stop while CKS was rescuing the servers. LP1 was showing the response of TMM when the incident that involved CKS happened to LGY and JFK. TMM was the customer's engineer taking care of the servers provided by CKS's company, GIT. CKS had made the same mistake as what LP1 did two years ago yesterday while he was on site working on the servers. He had caused the service provided by the servers to crash for thirty minutes. LP1 grin was still touching his ear when he was imitating this.

"Hahhaha… Hahhaha… Hahaha……. Ooi. Ooi. Ooi. CKS come already. CKS come already." JFK, LGY and LP1 were laughing their hearts out when CKS strolled into the Chalet reluctantly. He knew something is going to happen to him when he come to this Chalet but he had to come because he was hoping that not much people knew about the incident.

"Especially LGY and JFK." CKS mumbled or speaking to himself. No one could differentiate.

"Ooi… Heard that you crash people's IP ah?" JFK teasing CKS. CKS eyebrow twitch a bit when he heard this. He was surprised that the news had already spread all the way to JFK. He knew immediately that the whole world is going to know about his as JFK is simply the best "broadcasting station" available in the world.

"No lah. Its Willy, I mean Widi lah. Luckily ah… I was there. I helped to recover the servers men. It was out for thirty minutes. Sigh…." CKS denied it and walked away immediately hoping that this would prevent the broadcasting station from broadcasting the incident.


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