LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

JC Graduates

Hello everybirdie.... Time for LP stories again.... Today, I'm going to tell a story about a wedding dinner. But what has a wedding dinner gotta do with JC Graduates? You might ask. Read on to find out what happens.......

Long long time ago... In GIT, we started to have a lot of colleagues' wedding dinner to attend. We were about the same age and everyone started to get married and make that decision that they will regret for the rest of their life. Its KBC's turn. He is smiling from ear to ear while giving out the invitation cards...

"Must come hor.. Must come hor.." KBC talking through his smiles while handing out the invitation card to JFK and HK.. Deep inside him, he knew that there are going to be some kind of problems when these 2 idiots really come. But he has no choice. If he leaves them out, its too obvious that the whole company don't like these 2 idiots. He handed the invitation cards to them and continues to the rest... He went over to Sotong Queen (SQ), Guniang (GN) Siew Siew (S2) and handed them their summons...

The big day is here.. Its the day for KBC's wedding dinner...

"Hello... Err.... How to get there har?" Bah Geh (BG) called JFK over his mobile and asked for directions.. Its already 7pm and BG is still at Changi Airport looking for a road sign that says "KBC Wedding Dinner". But he can't find it... He has no choice but to call his Mobile Street Directory (JFK).

"Go PIE.. Exit at exit 8a, turn right at the first left turn junction. Then turn left and the next right turn junction............" JFK gave BG his directions.. As usual.. He confused BG more. But the funny thing is that after the confusion, BG normally will find his way. As long as he reach Changi Airport, he can go anywhere in Singapore.

BG reached his destination... JFK, HK, SFX, SQ, S2, Delle and everybody are already there waiting.. They discussed the Ang Pow money and took the lift up to the ballroom. KBC was there greeting everybody with the same smile again. Wonder if his ear hurts from all that ear to ear smiling. Until this point of time, you might ask again... WHAT HAS THIS GOT TO DO WITH JC GRADUATES?!?!?! Read on... You'll find out.

Everyone got seated... JFK with his wife (Garfield) was seating with HK with KBC's friends.. While BG, SFX and CKS and etc sat with some very old GITians... KBC seems to seat his guests according to their age. But you know what? Until today, I still wondering why I'm seated together with SFX, CKS, Siong Keat, Nicholas and etc. I'm younger than JFK and HK... Never know the answer. Because I don't dare to ask KBC.

The dinner started.. Everyone chatted happily... HK drank a couple of hard liquor... As usual, he will not let go of the chance to drink when its free... Suddenly, HK brought out the topic of being streetwise..

"You know hor... Poly graduates hor, they been through a lot and are normally more street wise you know?" HK asked JFK... And as usual, HK cannot control his voice volume when he speaks.. It got worst when he is drunk... His voice is louder than the soft music being played. Everyone at the same table, beside his table, infront of his table and outside the ballroom all heard him.. So, everyone on the same table looked at him.

"Unlike JC graduates.. I tell you.. They cannot make it one.. A little bit a little bit don't know what to do already...." HK continued... Everyone was quiet listening to him... JFK felt that the topic was not right and thus, did not response. He just say "ya ya ya....." Then, Garfield leaned over to JFK and told him that KBC is from JC before he went to Uni.. She felt that those sitting at the same table who are all KBC's friends are very likely from JC as well.. JFK felt embarrassed but can only keep quiet...

"PJ, PJ, PJ (hokkien for taking a leak)" JFK jioed HK.. And so, they went ahead to the toilet to take a leak... JFK wanted to tell HK about that the people sitting at the same table might be from JC..

"Eh, you KNN... Stop it lah. Those people sitting at the same table might be from JC leh.." JFK warned HK with his usual "I am so great" tone.. "Is it?" HK asked... "Ok. Ok. Ok...." They went back to the wedding dinner.... Continue the dinner... HK drank another few glasses of hard liquor. JFK smile smile at KBC's friends...

"Eh.. You know hor, JC graduates really don't know anything about hands-on one...." HK suddenly shouted (don't know if he meant to just say it or shout it, but it sure sounds like shouting). JFK looked at HK.. Don't know to be angry or ........... He just prayed that no one will turn the table and that the dinner end ASAP..... Garfield, on the other hand, gave up and as usual, wished that she could go home ASAP to munch on her potatoe chips and watch TV sitting on the crotch........


At July 14, 2005 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be precise ah, during the toilet break, Jfk told HK that the rest ARE INDEED JC students!!! KBC's JC's classmates!!! Not 'might be'....

And to be exact, what HK said was, "You know the difference between JC students & Poly students is wat or no?? IN THE ARMY AH, the JC students wan all kum lan kum lan wan...then the Poly students will scold *#@&!#... then from there, the JC students will learn...... THEN HOR, JC students AH, very 'si2 ban3' (rigid) wan... so ah, have to let US POLY students teach them...."

all these while, the whole table sort of fall silent.... with ALL eyes staring at us.... but then... someone can just continue blaring away.... haiz.....

to the tune of Pet Shop Boys....
'what have i done, what have i done, what have i done to deserve this.....'


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