LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Hot water

Author: JFK

Act 4 Scene 1
LP2: "wah lau eh... the shower here very cold leh... brrrrrhh... no hot water wan...."

NSLP: "aiyah... have to wait a while after turning on the heater wan mah..."

LP2, obviously didnt hear the word 'heater', argued, "I wait very long liaoz lah!!!! but still cold..."

NSLP: "then dun on the cold water tap lah, just on the hot water tap can liaoz"

LP2: "i did, but the water still cold... dun understand wat kind of hotel is this... if there is no hot water, why is there 2 taps to differentiate??? so stoopid..."

NSLP: "cannot be wan wat.... wait let me check.... eh, how come the heater switch outside the bathroom is not ON ah?"

[Who let the dogs out?! WHOO WHOO WHOO!!!.....] x 2

p.s. NSLP stands for Not So Lame Person.....


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