LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Hhahahaa... This is so funny

Hi all, we're always most up to date with the happenings in Singapore. Has anyone got through the lines to NKF yet? I've been trying for 2 days to no avail. I left a message. But they didn't call me back. What I'm trying to do? I'm gonna stop my monthly contribution to them through GIRO.

Actually, I knew about the misuse of public funds (through rumours) all along. But choose to ignore it because I knew that the NKF patients need the money for treatment. And so, I continued my monthly contribution.

But, this person has to bring the case to court and VERIFY all the rumours and revealed a lot more than the rumours. Not that its verified, I have to choice but to stop contribution to stop the misuse of public funds.

What I am so angry about:
1. The CEO gave himself $1.8m salary within 3 years. (And I'm sure, this is less than what he is actually getting)
2. He even made NKF pays for the road tax and everything of his car despite the high salary he is drawing.
3. He wants to use golden tap when I choose the cheapest tap that serves its purpose when I'm renovating my house.
4. He made no efforts to correct the wrong figures of reserves that they have despite the foundation paying him such high salary. This is lying to the public.
5. He made no efforts to correct the wrong figure of paitents under them despite the foundation paying him such high salary. This is lying to the public.
6. Pay me $0.9m for 3 years and I'm prepared to work double harder than him doing what he is doing now.
7. Actually, all these would be fine if they have followed the national bonus level. Eg, give out 3 months bonus when the Civil Servants are getting 3 months. But they are paying triple the national standard. Why? Because they worked so hard to create 4 charities show a year?
8. The most angry part is when I heard that $25,000 salary and 12 months bonus pay package is peanuts. Imagine, the first 1 hour of the charity show is to buy a peanuts. Then, the rest used to .......

Enough said. I pity those who really need the money for treatment. I'll contribute again once this CEO is removed from his position and punished (for all the misuse of public funds and lie he has told) and NKF release yearly 3rd party audited statements of accounts. In the meantime, if the patients really need public contribution, get united and get this CEO punished.

PS: The fact that he made no apologies for those lies he told really pissed me off. He don't think what he is doing is wrong. If its correct, to date, there won't be more than 3000 Singaporeans stopping their monthly contribution to NFK. I just hope that the monthly contribution will continue after we get this fella punished.


At July 13, 2005 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At July 14, 2005 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heard the latest news? about 3K ppl stop their GIRO payment to NKF... hahaha.. i guess you are 1 of them... hehe... go to sign the online petition lah...

At July 14, 2005 3:48 PM, Blogger bgshawn said...

Ya.. You're rite. I am one of them stopping the payment.... And I've signed the petition already. And I'm very pissed off with peanuts now....


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