LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Friday, July 15, 2005

EK Tyre

JFK, SEE properly. Your blog link is there... Ok. After everyone enjoyed the Papaya story which no one should actually know about this, time for another LP story......

Act 5, Scene 1:

EK (Duncan) was walking to the carpark with his car keys in his hands.. He swinged the keys with his index finger hoping that every neighbour see that he is driving a car. So that they know that he is no longer a little boy although his height is of a little boy's height. He purposely choose a manual car to show off that he can step on both the clutch and brake at the same time and also look out the windscreen. But there is something no one knows till now..... The car seat is forwarded to the most forward position and he tip toe.

EK: Wa lan!!! WTF?! Sway men!!!

The car's front tyre was punctured..... He couldn't believe his luck. He can still drive a car after trying very hard. But he CAN'T change a tyre.. Firstly, because he don't know how to... Secondly, because...... his weight is not enough to step on the wench to turn the knob. Someone came to his mind.... JFK stays in Yishun also... But it was 7:30am in the morning.. Sure ganna screw upside down by JFK if call him at this time one. So.......

[Ring, Ring..... Ring, Ring....]

EK's dad: Hello...

EK: Pa, can come down and change tyre for me?

EK's dad: Err... Ok.

He walked to the washroom to wash up shaking his head while he was walking.... Which daddy's son will wake his father up 7:30am in the morning to change tyre?

Btw, there is also 5 tyre changing stories... All lead acting by JFK.. Another time will tell you all..


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