LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Friday, July 15, 2005

Cannot find pager

Scene: Some fine day long ago in GIT office...

BG: Lec go lec go
(both downstairs..shk-ing...)
EK: Cham lah, i cannot find the standby pager leh..
BG: Issit in ur car
EK: No, I check oredi, dun haf
BG: Zun boh
EK: Zun..i think i better call home and get my mama to check..
(EK make call...)
EK: Harlow, ma, help me check my room, if my pager is there...
EK's Ma: orrr
(few minutes later)
EK's Ma: boy ar, boh leh
EK: HAR!? BOH KO LENG, u got check properly or not?! It's black color wan, then got a gold dangling thing wan..u go and check again!
EK's Ma: orrr
(EK's ma went back to room and double, triple check...few minutes later)
EK's Ma: Harlow, boy ar..jin eh si boh leh..
EK: Arrrgghhh..ok lah ok lah..bye bye bye bye..
BG: Wei, how can u talk to ur mama like tat..
EK: she's very blur wan lah
BG: aiyah, better go car check again
(both of them went back to check...after a while..)
BG: eh, izzit this gold dangling thing har ...


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