LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Lao Chio

Those who have work long enough, will know that there are 2 Cindys around us. 1 in GIT, and 1 in Starhub. For those who dunno, the Starhub Cindy is very very chio when she put on make up 8/10 (i have seen her without makeup... 6/10. Why I have seen her without her make up?? heh heh heh... that is for me to know & for you to find out...).

Anyway, 1 fine day, we were discussing about her at Tai Seng....
[Jfk]: Eh. today u got saw Cindy or not? super chio today leh.. I think she getting more and more chio leh.... or maybe becoz of the her dressing today lah...

[BG]: Yah lor yah lor... I think is becoz of her silky skirt lah.. can imagine putting your kuku at the skirt ah... i think touch liaoz i can cum siah... machiam American Pie.... hahaha

[HK]: Hee Hee.... (dunno he thinking about Cindy or still thinking of the Buddy Meal...)

[BPM]: Not that I wanna say ah.. but even i also agree that Cindy very chio siah.... Although I have seen her without makeup, but still she is the BEST... (wondering wat he mean by the BEST?? hmmm....

Just then, TBT arrived only hearing wat BPM said...

[TBT]: Yah hor yah hor!!! Cindy abit of LAO CHIO hor....

EVERYONE turns to look at TBT and give the look...

[Someone]: Which Cindy you talking about??? Cindy OLD meh??

[TBT]: Eh.... Not refering to the one in the office meh???


At July 21, 2005 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why no one talk about BG carpark story in Funan center???

At July 21, 2005 12:20 PM, Blogger bgshawn said...

Hahaha.. Okie. Okie.. Will write that.. It'll be my next posting...


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