LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Cable Tie

Since we've started the ball rolling on SW, here is another classic one....

One of our biggest customer's switch is having problem at that time... We spent many manhours trying to identify the problems... Finally, it was the most experienced Engineer in GIT that found the problem... TBT... He found out that one of the board on the AB selector is faulty.. Causing some circuits to get a lot of problems..

He did 100 tests to prove that this is the real problem (typical TBT)... Then, send out 10 long emails to everyone to tell them about the problem describing it from the time how he started to isolate the problem..

Nobody reads his email seriously.. Because, firstly, its too long, they rather read long LP Stories than to read long technical emails that can teach them some knowledge. Secondly, too many techincal terms are involved and most of us, only know about 30% of TBT's knowledge.

Anyway, problem identified. Customer notified. A night job is pending to get the problem fix. As usual, any change in the operating environment will have to be done at night. Otherwise, typical Singaporean will just keep trying to call and call on their mobile phone when they couldn't get the call through... They just don't understand that when the system is down, 99% of the time, its due to load... And Singaporean just keep adding to the load.

SW was our contractor for the cabling works then... He quited GIT to become his own boss.. He is bloody good in cabling and thus, SS approached him to solve the problem that we always have... Clamping lousy cables.....

The night for the night job come... TBT arrived to the site first in his Honda City that EK has buang 3 times... Followed by SW arriving in his Rav4 that he drove up to KL and back 100 times...

TBT took out a Hun Key and started smoking... As usual, other than smoking while warming up his car, he also smoke after he park while cooling down his car. SW got down from his car with his Barang Barang.... Saw TBT smoking...

[Scene 1, At customer's site carpark, 11:34pm]

[SW]: "Hello... Smoking ah? Don't worry. I got everything ready already.."

[TBT]: "Ok. We chop chop finish then go back already har... I hope to reach home by 3am one leh."

[SW]: "Don't worry lah... We've got the best hardware and software guy here.. I'm expecting to be making love to my wife by 2am."

[TBT]: "Ok lor.. We'll go up once I finished my stick."

TBT finished his Hun Key and went up to the switch room with SW.. Both walking with wind and confidence... TBT looked at SW, SW looked at TBT.. Both nodded their heads acknowledging each other capabilities...

Once in the switch room, they were greeted with 25cents look from the customer's Engineer, TMM. Its not that she is unhappy or what.. In fact, she is quite happy that TBT identified the problem that is bugging them for sometime. But, I guess, it's because of the super cold air con inside the switch room that makes a person's face stiff.... No joke men.. A small smile will cause 32 winkles on your face in that kind of condition. So, the advise is that.. Don't smile in switch room...

[Scene 2, In the switch room with TMM, 12:15am]

TBT and SW were each busy with their own tasks... TBT was trying to fix the software configuration to get the software ready for the hardware change. SW on the other hand was making sure that the hardware and all cables are ready when TBT is done with the software configuration... They were the perfect pair.. Both among the best in their own fields...

[TBT]: "SW, ready already? I can start liao."

[SW]: "Always ready man.. Just tell me when you want to start. I got everything prepared already."

[TBT]: *turned to TMM with a lusty look* "Er... We can start anytime. You want me to start on you?... Err.. Wrong.. on the change?" TBT has been carrying a torch for TMM.. But hor, come to think of it... TBT has been carrying a torch for every girl that he met... So, no surprise... He was even carrying a torch for DND at some point of time in GIT.

[TMM]: "Ok lor. Start lor.. But make sure nothing happen har.. If not, GIT going to be responsible for it hor." As usual..... 99.99999999% of the time, it'll be GIT's problem.

[TBT]: "Don't worry lah. Got me and SW here."

TBT started with his steps to deactivate the faulty card... Signalled to SW that its done... SW then pulled out that faulty card... Took out the new card.. Plug it in... And.....

*Pic... pic... pic........ * Then a funny smell filled the air.... Something is wrong... TBT looked at SW, SW looked at TBT... Both trying to blame each other.... Shit!!! SW inserted the card the wrong priority..... The new card is burnt!! Service went down as the other cards are affected by the sudden surge of electric current.....

TBT got panicked..... SW got panicked..... SW lost... Thinking to himself that he can forget about going home to surf porn and ML to his wife already.....

TBT quickly picked up his mobile phone, stick his ear piece into his ear, call the higher authority... CKS.....

[TBT]: "Eh... Sometime happened... Die.. Now all calls cannot go through... SW inserted the card the wrong way... Now whole platform is affected already..."

[CKS]: "Wa lau?!?! How come like that?! Then what you want me to do?! I cannot leave home now.. My wife will be angry if I leave home at this time of the day..."

[CKS]: "Go down to the switch. Check main power supply tripped or not?"

CKS asked TBT to check all the hardware for damages... TBT and CKS was on the phone talking... discussing... quarreling.... TMM was standing behind TBT... Again.. it's 25cents look again... You'll not know if she is Gan Jiong or not.... SW, resigned to his fate... He started out clearing up the rubbish on the floor, tidying up the cables that they have connected to the switch.... Tying them up with Cable Tie.. Triming away the "tail" that the cable tie produces after you pull to tighten the grips on the cable.....


[TBT]: "Hello!! Hello!! Ooi!! How can you hang up the phone like that?!?!?!"

[TBT]: "Hello!!!!!!!!!"

[SW]: "Errr... Pai Seh...... Pai Seh.. Pai Seh...."

SW walked to TBT with a "Cable Tie" in one of his hand and a climper on the other hand...

[SW]: "Pai Seh, Pai Seh..... I thought its a Cable Tie.. So I cut it..... But it really looked like a cable tie lah.."

TBT looked at what is in SW's hand... Its not cable tie... Its the cable of his ear piece set to his mobile phone...............

Later on, after putting back the original faulty card and bringing partial of the system up again, in the carpark, SW took out his own ear piece set and passed it to TBT....

[SW]: "Nah... Pai Seh har.... This is to compensate you...."

What about CKS you're asking.... Well, he went back to sleep after the phone call got cut off... What worst thing could happen?


At July 19, 2005 7:03 PM, Blogger khimsiu said...

those were the good old days before the bluetooth ...


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