LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Buddy Meal

I guess this has been a long-awaited story since the LP Stories Blog has been setup...
And I think just by looking at the title, u can laugh liaoz... haha... anyway here it goes...

Long long time ago.. there are the famous or rather infamous 三剑客。。。 no.. wrong.. should be 三贱客。淫贱,犯贱,下贱。They are in actual fact HK, Jfk & BG. Go figure out which is which. So these 3 idiots always like to hang around Kallang KFC/Macdonalds.... why?
1) Free parking.
2) Lots of Chiobus.
3) Unlimited drinks (only at KFC)

So 1 fine day after work, the 3 of them arrange to go to the usual hunt... see got lao chio or not (that reminds me of another story.. heh heh heh)...
So Jfk & BG arrive 1st...
There is a new promotion available.

The BUDDY MEAL... Consists of
4 x Chickens
4 x Nuggets
2 x Soft drinks
2 x Mashed potatos
Price = $11.85.

[BG]: Jfk, wanna share buddy meal or not?

[Jfk]: Siao!! who buddy with you? dunwan lah!!!

BG lan lan sit back down.... machiam kanna chided by his father like that...

After awhile, HK arrived... late as usual... and acting blur as in late is no big deal like that... so what he drive the fastest car? always late...

So BG already super hungry liaoz... then turn to HK,
[BG]: HK, wanna share buffy meal or not?

[HK]: Siao!! who buddy with you? dunwan lah!!!

Jfk smiles at himself... glad that no one wants to buddy with this stoopid bahgeh... hahaha.

[BG]: Dunwan done!!! i buy myself... hmmmph!!!

[Jfk]: HK, buy for me. i want 2 piece original chicken meal.
and handed $6 to HK...

SO Jfk waited and waited.... while trying to look at the zao geng of the chio bu wearing short skirt sitting opposite... just need to wait for her to change the legs...

the gal shift shift abit and the skirt move up a little... shift somemore, and the skirt shifted up somemore... anticipating that the gal is about to change the legs when STOOPID BG come over and sit directly opposite Jfk blocking his view at the crucial moment!!! argh!!!!

nevermind, at least got chance to strike lottery for this week.....

So after awhile, HK came back... with........ THE BUDDY MEAL?!?!?!

[Jfk]: WTF?! i tot i say i dunwan buddy meal?!?!

[HK]: hee hee....

[Jfk]: KNN!!! who buddy with u???!!!

[HK]: hee hee....

[BG]: HAHAHA.. obi good obi good.......
then proceed to put his hands at his sweaty armpits and make the squash squash sound and after that using the same hands to eat his chicken...

Jfk lan lan have to eat the buddy meal with HK.... so they started eating and toking cock... so now with BG blocking his view, he got a harder time trying to look at the chio bu zao geng.. so he concentrate more on looking until until....

[Jfk]: EH?! how come left 1 nuggets only?!?! I tot there is 4?!

[HK]: hee hee....

(From then on, Jfk notices that whenever they share food with HK, HK will always eat the 'shared' food 1st before touching his 'own' food.....)

P.S. HK keeps the additional 15 cents for the $11.85 meal.....


At July 20, 2005 2:13 AM, Blogger khimsiu said...

I am still waiting for the $58 corona ...


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