LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Monday, July 11, 2005


Talking about HK, brings back some LP incidents.. What I'm going to tell is a G-String story. This is one of the bloody incidents that we're at the mercy of HK again......

HK, JFK and me were walking around Suntec City looking at girls... We did this very frequently while we were working in GIT.. After working very hard and always don't get to see any chio bu, we always go to a place with a lot of chio bu to make ourselves man again... Cos' we always like the feeling of our underwear being too small... You know... That feeling of the "tortoise head" trying to come out from the top of the underwear is very exciting. It is painful.. But it's very shoik....

So we walked and walked and looked and looked... Our tortoise head tweaked many many times and we experienced that painful feeling a lot of times while we walked along Suntec. Wa... Very very shoik.... Then suddenly.. our focus laid on the bum of a ger.. Wa!! She is wearing very low cut jeans and her bum is one of those that you would like to do doggie with. Edm comes to my mind... But.. Shit. Don't waste time....

"Follow her.. Follow her..." HK said excitingly.... Without 2nd thought, me and JFK also following HK to follow her... Wa... Our tortoise head tweaked at least 10 times while we were walking behind her. HK's tortoise head is already outside his underwear.... The rubber of his underwear rubbing his "rim" while he was walking... He must be feeling very shiok.. You could see it from the way he walked... He shivers a few times while we were walking.. I was waiting to see that wet spot on his jeans..

Then that ger reached the escalator... She is going down the escalator... We followed.... Very very closely behind her....

"G-String!! G-String!!" shouted HK.... Wa bian!! That ger's red G-String came out of her low cut jeans when she walked down that escalator!! Shit!! That ger heard him... She turned her head a bit to see who is behind.... JFK and my tortoise head are also outside the underwear by now.. But we saw that the ger heard HK, we quickly "Siam"..... KNN... So damn embarrassing...

That ger uses her right hand to go behind and push down her G-String to hide it back to the jeans... Shit.. Bloody embarrassing...

"Alamark... 被发现了 (being found out already in chinese)!!" HK says loudly.......

What can we say? JFK and me were already trying to find a hole to dive in already... He has to do it again... He don't know what is say softly... HK has no control over his voice volume.... Give up!!!! That ger didn't turn back. But the Suntec CCTV camera must have caught 2 idiots trying to hide their face into the escalator while another idiot just kept laughing beside them......


At July 11, 2005 11:21 AM, Blogger khimsiu said...

One unfine day, Francis called me on my mobile. I had already left GIT then. After all the chit-chat, we said he wanted to meet for dinner. I not so close to Francis but I knew it was CKS who gave Fran my mobile number. So I sms CKS asking for suggestions as I oso dun mind having dinner with both of them.

We agreed to go Young&Dangerous (YnD) the next day at 7pm for dinner.

I had to pick up my wife so I sms CKS that I will be late and it would be better for him to order the food first. Imagine the shock I got when CKS sms me saying that his "Visa" application has been denied so he will not join us for dinner.

I meet up with Francis with my wife at about 7.30pm and I then realised that he had also "jio" 5 other HK engineers for the dinner. It is the most uncomfortable dinner that I ever had in my life as most of them toking about work and other craps which I dun care.

The only good thing that came out of this whole incident is that I still had some regard for CKS before the dinner appointment. The same regard was passed out together the next morning during my "business".

Nothing to forgive but something that I will never forget!


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