LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Flow Chart Part 2

Author: Shawn Lee

This happens after the Chapter 1 event....

Chapter 2:

Ms Tay(S2)'s darling was waiting for her to knock off at the bus-stop outside CISCO Center 1. Boeing 747(Jfk) was also on his way home and waiting to get out of the dreadful turn out from CISCO Center 1. Boeing 747 was chatting with F17(BG) on the phone and tell F17 that he saw Ms Tay's darling. Then suddenly, Ms Tay walked out of CISCO Center 2 and was walking towards her darling. Then upon seeing each other, Ms Tay gave that puppy looking saying silently "I worked hard at work today. Me now tired tired.". Then Ms Tay's darling gave her that look saying silently "So what? You know I wait for how long already or not?". Then Ms Tay keep that puppy look and immediately hug Ms Tay's husband and kiss kiss mouth to mouth. Wah.... Upon seeing this, Boeing 747 got stunned. Imagine, two twenty something adult hugging and kissing in the public. So Boeing 747 immediately tell F17 about the situation. F17 was also stunned. He started imagine what will these 2 adults do when nobody is around...... Wah.. So F17 got so excited that F17 immediately call Ms Tay. The conversation goes as follows:

F17: "Wah.... Don't need to get so passoniate one gar?"
Ms Tay: "HAR!!! Who? Where? Who? Where are you?" (She started looking around with her blushed face)
F17: "Me at a spot that you cannot see one lah."
Ms Tay: "QuicK! Where are you? Huh? I cannot see you. Where?"
F17: "Me just right behind you. Don't waste effort finding me lah."
Ms Tay: "Wa lau... Must hug hug kiss kiss everyday one mah."
F17: "Ohhhh..... I must say, your darling is the one and only in Singapore already. Already got hand (Dao Shou) already still waste time to go wait for you to knock off. Waste time leh."
Ms Tay: "Is it? He really so good? I think so also leh."
F17: "Wa lau, got time must ask him out to wash his brain already. He cannot make it if he carry on like that lah."
Ms Tay: ".............."
F17: "OK lah. Don't teach my wife any tricks on how to train husband until like that har! If not cannot continue friendship anymore."
Ms Tay: "Ok ok lah. Bye bye."

PS: Their hands did not let go at all throughout this conversation. After that, Ms Tay's darling hugs Ms Tay tight tight and wishper "Go teach F17's wife." (He sticks his tongue out and lick Ms Tay)


At July 28, 2005 8:48 AM, Blogger Duncan said...

sure they got so kao zhang or not?

At July 28, 2005 1:15 PM, Blogger HK said...


At July 28, 2005 1:21 PM, Blogger s2 said...

of coz not lah, trust bg and jfk to write these sorta stories, kaoz..firstly we only had a quick hug to greet each other..there was not kiss kiss okay [-x

At July 28, 2005 2:49 PM, Blogger bgshawn said...

Got.. Got... Hahaha.. Btw, if anyone is wondering.. ihomg = I'm horny, oh my god!!

At July 28, 2005 4:45 PM, Blogger HK said...

no wonder u r called BG Lee, IHOMG also know.

At July 28, 2005 5:50 PM, Blogger JFK said...

Yah.. let me confirm... its actually a 'Peck and a Hug'... you replied this in the email remember? hahaha... thats why we have ARCHIVES!!! muahaha....

At July 28, 2005 6:03 PM, Blogger s2 said...

really meh...i got reply meh

At July 28, 2005 6:08 PM, Blogger s2 said...

eh wait, i think it was boeing 747 tat called me, not f17 leh

At July 29, 2005 8:38 AM, Blogger bgshawn said...

It was me lah.. Hhahhahaa.. IHOMG!!


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