LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Not so long ago.... we went to KL for work (again!)... well.. this time its different...
1st, we are travelling by car. not plane... and who drove? our dear Mr Moustache.. SW!!
2ndly, we have SW for company... which is great! more jokes from i believe.. still reeling from the cable tie & test email joke about SW.. heh heh...

So here we are 3(SW, Jfk, GN) of us in SW's RAV4.. driving upon KL.
This is not the 1st time SW drove to KL... he had been up a couple of times previously, so he had bought another local SIM card. 'Use this to call back to SG is cheaper... and your family can call u.. free incoming come more.. good ah', SW was telling us...

So upon reaching KL, SW wanna send an SMS back to his daughter... to notify that he is safe.

'Hi dear dear. I have reached KL... tell mummy don't worry... i will be extra extra careful wan.. i will make sure i wear 2 layers of condom....'

'Message not sent'.
'Eh? why like that? nevermind, try again.'

'TEEEH TEEEH TEEH!' (don't understand ah? cannot means cannot!!! try 10 times also cannot lah)
'Message not sent'.

[SW]: Eh? how come ah? eh jeff. how come my phone cannot send SMS one? yours can or not?

[Jfk]: Is it??? cannot be lah... you never pay phone bill is it...

[SW]: Got lah... faster leh.. i kancheong liaoz... how to send??

[Jfk]: Wait ah, GN try see can or not... btw you got +65 infront or not?

[SW]: Eh. yah hor.. forgot.. i try again...

[SW]: Eh... still cannot lah.. u know wan or not....

[GN]: I try liaoz leh.. mine can leh....

[Jfk]: are you sure you got put +65 in front???

[SW]: Got got got... I got PLUS 65 in front..... u see

[To: 659XXXXXXX]

[Jfk]: Wah kaoz!!! ADD a + SIX FIVE!!! not PLUS SIX FIVE!!!


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