LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Monday, August 01, 2005

Barley Thick

It was a good nite out.

NSLP2 (sfx), NSLP (jfk), Garfield and LPK had dinner together one night to discuss the approach and strategy of winning the mahjong game again the self-proclaim-better-than-LPK-at-mahjong (SPBTLAM) guniang.

Before the dinner, all have agreed that who won the most money previous will be in charge of buying and paying for the titbits. The one who lost the most will be in charge of buying and paying for the drink, according to LPK anyway. So orders were taken and relay to guniang on what drinks to buy.

During the dinner, SPBTSAM called JFK.
[SPBTSAM]: 'Eh, where got barley thick one? YEO's packet drink right? I ask the auntie got barley thick or not. She gave me the blank look...'
Jfk relayed this question to SFX & LPK...
LPK, who was having the famous bah-chor mee in Bedok 85 at time, almost had a piece of noodle came out through his left nostril.

After the sumptuous dinner, we went to NTUC to buy titbits for the night. We bought 2 bags full of titbits for the night’s consumption. One bag was passed to Garfield and one bag was carried by sfx.

On reaching PEC together, Garfield took one bag and sfx took one bag from his car, at this point, Garfield commented, “eh … you also buy titbits ah? Now we have more titbits” … sfx was stunned into silence …

earlier in the day, the MSN conversation between GN & Jfk:
29/07/200511:44:13 AMMazliJfkok ok..
29/07/200511:44:17 AMMazliJfkwhat drink u want?
29/07/200511:44:26 AMMazliJfkbarley, chrysanthemum and what?
29/07/200511:44:26 AMJfkMazlibarley thick
29/07/200511:44:34 AMMazliJfkgot thick wan?
29/07/200511:44:52 AMJfkMazligot....
29/07/200511:44:57 AMJfkMazligo ask for it lah
29/07/200511:45:38 AMMazliJfkok..
29/07/200511:45:44 AMMazliJfkthis wan packet drink rite?
29/07/200511:46:31 AMJfkMazliyupyup
29/07/200511:47:26 AMMazliJfkok..


At August 01, 2005 1:39 PM, Blogger s2 said...

dun understand leh, wat barley thick?

At August 01, 2005 2:34 PM, Blogger khimsiu said...

do u know wat is barley?

At August 01, 2005 3:05 PM, Blogger s2 said...

the barley drink lah

At August 01, 2005 4:04 PM, Blogger bgshawn said...

Yeah.. Make it thicker... And keep the lights on when you're making out with Mr Tan. After that, you'll know why..

At August 01, 2005 4:08 PM, Blogger khimsiu said...

no lah ... i tot it is the one you make after keeping the beans in cold storage for 3 months ...

At August 01, 2005 4:09 PM, Blogger JFK said...

nonono... if you keep in cold storage for 3 months, its Lemon Barley THICK.....

At August 01, 2005 4:18 PM, Blogger bgshawn said...

Hahahaa... Yeah.. Lets get our facts correct here.. There are altogether 2 drinks.. Barley Thick and Lemon Barley Thick.

Barley Thick - Freshly made. But it must be stored inside cold storage for at least 1 day. Otherwise, its just Barley and sometime, plain water.

Lemon Barley Thick - When the freshly made barley is stored in cold storage for 1 month. Sometime, got particles in the drink also.

At August 01, 2005 4:20 PM, Blogger JFK said...

wat about barley with strawberry?? muahahaha!!!

At August 01, 2005 6:06 PM, Blogger s2 said...

huh? wat crap leh? i more blur liaoz

At August 01, 2005 8:40 PM, Blogger bgshawn said...

Alamark... Just keep the lights on when you're "playing" with Mr Tan.

At August 01, 2005 9:36 PM, Blogger s2 said...

oh boh liao


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