LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Monday, August 08, 2005


One day, when lgy and EK met up for dinner ...

As usual, dinner is followed by routine exercise, REM (see X-Colleague), a ritual has been in place since both were young studs studying in Temasek Ploy. Don't know why EK was pacing up and down in front of lgy, interrupting his data collection and achieving of GS and pretty faces as well as causing visual pollution.

"Wai! Eh-Kai, mai KLKKSSP ho-boh!" lgy snapped.

“Er, wat is KLKKSSP? EK asked innocently, almost wished that he had not, knowing that lgy will barrage him with his infinite wisdom and knowledge.

“Aiya! KLKKSSP you oso no noe!” retorted lgy, “KLKKSSP means khia lai khia ker …eh … khia lai khia ker … KLKK … er … SSP …”

“Shit, I cannot remember what is SSP” thinking to himself as lgy starts to panic! “If I cannot explain what is SSP, I will never be able to cho EK ever again …”

So he decided that there is only one thing left to do … to call the one person who taught him all the acronyms that he had ever known and used … the one person that can save him from the embarrassing predicament … s f x.

“Hello sfx, need to ask you something!” said lgy.

sfx was still in the office at 8pm working hard when he got the call from lgy … as always ...

“Wah, my x-colleague called at this time, must be jioing me for dinner … I always enjoyed having dinner with my x-colleague, especially free ones!” sfx thinking to himself before answering the call …

“Haro, when and where we meet?” sfx answered.

“No lah … I just want to know what is SSP?” lgy replied.

“SSP? Storage Service Providers?” asked sfx.

“No lah, KLKKSSP means khia lai khia ker but what does SSP means?” lgy explained.

“You called me just to ask that?!?!?" sfx starts fuming, "and interrupting my nap ... no ... I mean my work?"

Now you know why lgy is LPK.


At August 08, 2005 1:45 PM, Blogger Duncan said...

err...when was i ever in TP?

At August 08, 2005 3:24 PM, Blogger khimsiu said...

lp2, u really want me to use the real poly izit?

At August 09, 2005 12:09 PM, Blogger khimsiu said...

i dun see you complaining when i called you a stud?!?!?

At August 12, 2005 5:05 PM, Blogger s2 said...

hhahah this wan is funny


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