LP Stories

This is a blog dedicated for all GITians who enjoyed our time when we were working together. Life was tough. But we've proven once that tough life can be enjoyable too. Keep coming back for good memories....

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Everytime we need money, we think of mahjong. Everytime we need a mahjong kaki, we immediately jio GN.

Everytime we [lgy, jfk, sfx, GN (spbtlam) and occasionally EK (when he is not in kl sianning the aunties at kopi shops)] play mahjong at PEC, 3 things will happen:

1. gn will be late and on very very few occassions lgy, too.
2. lgy will fart like crazy and gives a very silly and sextisfied grin each time … (before, during and after the mahjong games, ... anywhere, even at the table ...)
3. gn will proclaim that he is better at mahjong than lgy ... (we do not have the heart to tell him ...)

To cut the story short, lgy being the biggest winner (S$200+++) that nite had to buy us lunch … so jfk and sfx jio him to hong lim market for lunch the next day to eat the famous bkt (bah-kut-teh).

So same thing as always (ssdd), after the sextified lunch, jfk and lgy refused to go back to office yet, citing that it is not time and they want to go to chinatown point to have some exercise, REM (rapid eye movement).

sfx being the responsible one, joins them reluctantly as he was the driver designated and cannot leave them behind.

On the way there, sfx saw someone he knows, a customer that he had worked with previously.

“Hi Vin, good to see you! Wah! Why are you doing here?” sfx asked.

“Oh, I am here after lunch. My office is just round the corner.” Vin offered.

“Ya hor” sfx, feeling paiseh for idling, responded, “Well, I come here with my “x-colleagues” for lunch also. See you around”.

As sfx parted ways with Vin, he felt “daggers” flying at him from jfk and more from lgy.

“WAH, people say he have lunch with EX-COLLEAGUES.” lgy retorted, “After so many lunches, and so many dinners, we are only EX-COLLEAGUES” as he huffed and puffed away. "EX-COLLEAGUES!!!"

sfx was then thinking to himself, “hmm, is it a good time to ask lgy to buy us dinner too?”


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