And i thought i'm LAME
One fine day, after a long and boring day at work, EK came back home and switch on his PC. He then went on to do some personal admin.
After a while, he came back to his PC. Found that LGY (aka BG aka LPK aka...) send him a msn message.
12/28/2005 11:56:58 PM Shawn (LGY) duncan© LOL Duncan surfing porn site lah..
12/28/2005 11:57:15 PM Shawn (LGY) duncan© New year me got plans liao leh..
??? popping all over EK's head. "You got plans, you got plans lah...tell me for what? Your plans doesn't involve me mah". So he replied by asking what BG/LGY/LPK toking.
After a while, LGY went on to explain what he's planning to do this new year's eve. Go to mama, papa place for dinner, rush home 5mins before midnight, ejectculate at 00:00 hours..etc...etc...
EK thought to himself, "KNN, tell me all these for what? Why would he think i want to know all these?".
12/29/2005 12:00:16 AM duncan© Shawn (LGY) ohh...i tot wat...
12/29/2005 12:00:32 AM duncan© Shawn (LGY) no problemz lah...we(poly mates) not planning anything oso mah...
12/29/2005 12:00:44 AM Shawn (LGY) duncan© Tot Lelyn(chio poly mate) planning something leh..
The conversation went on with LGY telling EK that there's a plan gathering and EK has been invited. Furthur ??? popped up. EK felt sad. Nobody wants him to go that's why nobody told him about it.
12/29/2005 12:00:58 AM duncan© Shawn (LGY) is it? she dun wan me to go i think....
12/29/2005 12:01:33 AM Shawn (LGY) duncan© KNN.. If not, why would she include you in the conference..
12/29/2005 12:01:42 AM Shawn (LGY) duncan© Only because you and me didn't respond, then she leave..
12/29/2005 12:01:49 AM duncan© Shawn (LGY) what conference?
The conversation goes on with LGY telling EK that there was a previous conference where EK is in and invitation given out. The only problem was that EK can only see that he's toking to LGY only. "What conference?". Always assuming that himself is Lame, he check and check and check and check on the MSN window.
"Bo leh. Dun have means dun have wat?", EK thought to himself.
12/29/2005 12:03:13 AM Shawn (LGY) duncan© Got lah.. KNN.. See properly your window...
12/29/2005 12:03:37 AM duncan© Shawn (LGY) dun have leh...
12/29/2005 12:03:46 AM duncan© Shawn (LGY) nothing leh...
12/29/2005 12:04:43 AM Shawn (LGY) duncan© pengz Got lah....
12/29/2005 12:04:47 AM Shawn (LGY) duncan© Think you closed it liao.
The conversation went on for 15mins. EK check and check. LGY keep K-ing EK "why you so lame? It's there lah."
12/29/2005 12:05:54 AM Shawn (LGY) duncan© Wait har.. I give you a screen capture
This is the screen capture...

...and he named the file ekIdiotic.jpg.
Upon seeing this, EK wanted to shutdown PC, drive down to Simei, and kick LGY in the arse.
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